Yaesu FT-950

Yaesu FT-950

Приобретал его новым и очень давно в магазине "ПРОФИ" Ростов-на-Дону (сохранилась накладная от магазина-поставщика). Данный трансивер используется только для наблюдательских целей, с личным наблюдательским позывным! Для повседневной работы в эфире, я использую ICOM-718...

This YAESU FT-950 transceiver is used by my spouse, she has the radiolyubi-telsky call sign, we have a family radio amateurism as if here (Hee!). Got (spouse) its new and long ago in PROFI shop Rostov-on-Don (the consignment note from shop supplier remained). When I brought, new, from YAESU FT-950 shop and for the sake of experiment, having arranged their row (the picture on the main page of my website), began the switchboard (the same MFJ) to switch the MFJ-1778(G5RV) antenna between two IC718+DSP and FT-950 transceivers, weak stations which were accepted by ICOM718+DSP actually, practically in noise, acquired, and fancy on functionality of YAESU FT-950 just categorically did not accept weak stations. Therefore, for daily work on air, I use only ICOM718+DSP, and for  "mini-contests" of MF-090 and PA350vt.  









  Профилактика трансивера от залипания кнопок! На фото видно, что грязь присутствует на лицевой панели трансивера, виновник этого встроенный вентилятор, который затягивает воздух:

     Prevention of the transceiver from sticking of buttons! On a photo it is visible that dirt is present at the front panel of the transceiver, responsible for it the built-in fan which tightens air: